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Work that Face Mask

Updated: Sep 29, 2020

As from today, wearing a face covering in shops and supermarkets in England is now mandatory. According to the BBC, "Those who fail to comply with the new rules will face a fine of up to £100, the government has announced." So, with face covering becoming a real part of our everyday lives, how to do you like yours?

There are so many styles out there but, whether it's wire, filters, adjustable fittings or funky fabrics you're after, one thing we can all be sure is that they are helping us all to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

I am now getting used to wearing my mask with pride when out and about but I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy by the strangeness of it all at the start. Last weekend, I cycled through our local shopping centre, and I couldn't help compare my face wear with those around me. Every time I saw a handmade mask or fun fabric, I was immediately put at ease; Their bright colours brought smiles to my face (I'm sure you would have been able to see my eyes creasing with happiness behind the mask!).

Many customers have told me that they love my fabric face masks; The fun fabrics I have available, many of which are particularly suited to children, have taken away any "fear factor" of wearing them. Available in a variety of sizes, with the option to include adjustable toggles, machine washable, huge fabric choice, fast shipping and 50p of ever mask sold being donated to the NHS, they are a must for rocking that face wear, 2020 style!

Hairband - Available from Robin's Bobbins

Face Mask - Also available from Robin's Bobbins

Necklace - @rockcakes

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